Molecular Modelling has become an indispensable tool for almost all areas of industrial chemical research from lead finding, to process optimisation and quality issues. It is particularly useful and advantageous at the very start of any research program. Cost and time expensive lab work (labor, equipment, chemicals) can be minimised to 10% compared to a classical approach.
Buijs Advice & Consultancy BV is the preferred contract research partner for:
Transformation of actual industrial problems into an effective and efficient Molecular Modelling approach.
Implementation of the Molecular Modelling results into real cost saving process changes, using limited experimental verification and calibration, or plant experiments.
- Training of employees in the general use of Molecular Modelling software, and next focusing on solving specific chemical process problems.
Over the years Wim Buijs has been involved in solving a wide variety of industrial problems, from start to implementation.
A limited list of examples gives an impression on the applicability of Molecular Modelling in industrial chemistry.